
hi i'm charlie (he/him) and i put my comics here


why are you always wearing a red sweater?
because i'm gay

hey, do i know you?
NO. (probably. hi.)

hey, is that Me?
if you're asking that, yeah probably. sorry. if it makes you feel better i don't think anybody reads these

are you okay??
well. you see. no

what's up with the ghosts?
i see them. 👍


"this makes me feel things"
"there's like a deep sadness in everything you write"
"you have an existential effect on people"
"what the fuck charlie"
"these are insane"
"your comics are like a very different version of you"
"that one was Interesting"
"you could totally publish this" - my therapist
"i love the way you use color"
"your words and art are parallel lines, the 'words' line is just thicker"